Metabolic Health

Revitalise Your Metabolism.

Fuel Your Journey to Vitality.

Metabolic Health

Revitalise Your Metabolism.

Fuel Your Journey to Vitality.

Transform your health

Learn how to improve metabolic health through healthy food and lifestyle choices. 

Your future of optimal wellbeing starts here.

Metabolic health features

Optimising metabolic health with a multi-dimensional approach. 

Gain evidence-based knowledge together with practical tools to revitalise your health

Is this course right for me?

Whether you seek personal transformation or aspire to empower others as a Nutrition Coach, Medic, or Healthcare practitioner...'ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to make a significant impact on metabolic health.

What You'll Learn

Introduction to Metabolic Health
  • What is metabolic health?
  • What are the signs of GOOD metabolic health?
  • What are the signs of POOR metabolic health?
  • Why is metabolic health important?
  • Chronic illnesses associated with poor metabolic health.
  • How do you measure & track metabolic health?
  • The Health Crisis and Predictions.
How The Metabolic System Works

Cell Structure & Function.

  • Cells & Organelles.
  • Mitochondria.
  • Cell Membrane & Receptors.

How Cells Make Energy.

  • Energy. 
  • Glucose Transport.
  • Energy Production.
  • Mitochondria.
  • Energy Produced.

Digestion of Food.

  • Polysaccharides.
  • Monosaccharides & Disaccharides.
  • Proteins & Fats.
  • Digestion.

Blood Sugar Regulation.

  • Carbohydrate Metabolism.
  • Hormones Impacting Metabolic Health .

When Things Go Wrong.

  • Metabolism of Glucose. 
  • Carbohydrate Metabolism.



The Role of Nutrition in Metabolic Health
  • Dietary Factors Fuelling Poor Metabolic Health.
  • A Healthy Diet.

The Confusion Over Carbohydrates.

  • Why is there so much confusion?
  • Carbohydrate Functions.
  • Digestibility of Carbohydrates.

All About Sugar.

  • What is Sugar?
  • Sucrose.
  • Maltose.
  • The Physiological Impact of Fructose.
  • Fructose in Food.
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup.

The Role of Fibre.

  • What is Fibre?
  • Prebiotic Soluble Fibre.
  • What is Starch?
  • Resistant Starch.
  • Different Types of Resistant Starch.
  • Food Sources of Carbohydrates.

Choosing Carbohydrates in Practice.

  • Glycaemic Impact.
  • Glycaemic Index and Load Values.
  • Daily Carbohydrate Intake.
  • What Impacts Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Load Values?
  • Glycaemic Load Values of Foods.
  • A Practical Example of a Days Eating.

Carbohydrates Round Up

  • Carbohydrates Practical Key Points.


Fatty Acids

Introduction to Fatty Acids.

  • Fatty Acids in Food.
  • Differences in Fatty Acids.
  • Digestion of Fats & Satiety.

Fatty Acids in Detail.

  • Saturated Fatty Acids.
  • Unsaturated Fatty Acids.
  • Eicosanoids. 
  • Functions of Prostaglandins.
  • Trans Fatty Acids in Processed Foods.
  • Trans Fatty Acids in Real Food.
  • Cholesterol.
  • Phytosterols (Plant Sterols).
  • Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease.
  • Global Review of Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Factors.

Dietary Guidelines.

  • The Seven Countries Study.
  • Dietary Guidelines.

Essential Fatty Acids.

  • Omega 3 & Omega 6.
  • Essential Fatty Acids.
  • Resolvins.
  • Prostaglandin Production.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

Balancing Omega 6 and 3.

  • Omega 6:3 Ratios.
  • Nutritional Strategies for Balancing Omega 6:3 Ratio.
  • Best Food Sources – Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
  • Micronutrients for Fatty Acid Metabolism.
  • Cooking Oils.
  • Comparing Omega 3 & 6 Content in Common Foods.

Fatty Acid Round Up.

  • Practical Key Points.
  • Functions of Protein.
  • Protein Composition.
  • How Much Protein?
  • Protein Sources.
  • Chromium in the Diet.
  • Food Sources of Chromium.
  • Manganese.
  • A Focus on Cinnamon.
  • Types of Cinnamon.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Dietary Sources of Antioxidants.
Gut Microbiome
  • The Gut Microbiome.
  • Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs).
  • Lipopolysaccharides (LPS).
  • Diversity of the Microbiome.
  • Specific Microbes.
  • Prebiotic Food Sources.
Calorie Counting
  • The Calorie Theory.
  • Flaws in The Calorie Theory.
  • Thermodynamics.
  • Calculating Calorific Value.
  • Counting Calories in Practice.
  • Restricting Calories.
Meal Frequency & Timing
  • Frequency.
  • Timing.
  • Breakfast and the Second Meal Effect.
  • The Sleep Wake Cycle.
  • How Much Sleep?
  • Hormones and Sleep Deprivation.
  • Metabolic Hormones & Sleep Deprivation.
  • The Importance of Light and Dark.
  • Supporting Sleep with Food.
  • Production of Melatonin.
  • Importance of Fatty Acids.
  • Top Foods to Support Sleep.
  • Supporting Sleep with Lifestyle.
  • The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN).
  • A Confused SCN.
  • The Stress Response
  • Chronic Stress.
  • Nutrients Supporting Stress.
  • Top Foods for Supporting Stress.
  • Supporting Stress with Lifestyle.
  • Exercise and Metabolic Health.
  • Get Moving!
  • Type of Exercise.
  • Intensity.
  • Timing.
  • Quantity.
  • Food for Exercise.

A comprehensive list of references to scientific research for those that want to take their learning even further.

Assessment and Completion Certificate

Successfully complete an online quiz to receive a completion certificate. 


Weight Gain in Women.

There are multiple factors why women are prone to weight gain, particularly at different life stages. Once you understand these factors it is a lot easier to be proactive and make changes to your diet and lifestyle.

In this 50-minute webinar, we discuss the factors involved in weight gain in women and dietary actions to help you achieve optimal health. Why women gain weight.

  • Drivers of Weight Gain.
  • Insulin and Blood Sugar Balance.
  • The Menstrual Cycle.
  • Testosterone.
  • Oestrogen Dominance.
  • Perimenopause.
  • Menopause.
  • Dietary Strategies.
  • Phytoestrogens.
  • Summary.

Stubborn Belly Fat.

Losing weight is not always easy. We store fat not only when we eat beyond our metabolic needs but also due to the food and lifestyle choices we make. Even if you decrease your food intake and exercise more it doesn’t always provide the results that you want. Losing weight isn’t as simple as eating less and moving more, particularly when it comes to shifting stubborn belly fat.

In this 50-minute webinar, we look at why we store excess weight and strategies for helping achieve sustainable weight loss without those undesirable side effects of hunger and mood fluctuations!

  • Types Of Fat.
  • What Does Belly Fat Look Like?
  • What’s The Problem With Belly Fat?
  • Gaining Belly Fat.
  • Simple Carbohydrates: Sugar.
  • Carbohydrates For Metabolic Health.
  • What Is Real Food?
  • Hormones.
  • Exercise.
  • Gauging Belly Fat.
  • Shifting Belly Fat, Summary.


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Reviews of the Course


“I find the information very easy to follow and retain. The different parts are stimulating and well presented and show how you can incorporate the scientific basis in a practical way.”

Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott.


Thank you. Very informative and put over in an easily digestible way. The quality of the slides is superb and well-presented. So much misinformation out there at the moment. Greatly appreciated.”

Christine lloyd.


“I have found it absolutely fascinating discovering the massive impact that what we eat affects on our bodily functions, and our health and well-being. A year ago I changed my diet and my lifestyle completely, I shed three stone without trying and feel more energetic and alive than I have for many years.”

Amanda johns.

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